
How to Reach Tsomoriri Inn Cottage

How to Reach Tsomoriri Inn Cottage

  • Tsomoriri Inn Cottage,
  • ,
  • Mobile : (+91) 982-050-1211
  • Mobile : (+91) 932-050-1211
  • Email: info@tsomoririinn.com
  • Website: www.tsomoririinn.com

How to Reach Tsomoriri Inn Cottage from Leh

How to Reach Tsomoriri Inn Cottage from Leh

Leh to Tsomoriri Inn Cottage Driving distance is 213 kilometers. It takes about 4 hours and 43 minutes to reach Tsomoriri Inn Cottage from Leh. Check out How to reach Tsomoriri Inn Cottage from Leh.

  • Take Karzok Road to Nubra Valley Highway. It is a 4 hours and 43 minute journey and covers approximately 213 kilometers journey.
  • 1) Head to southwest. It is roughly 53 meters drive.
  • 2) Next at the roundabout, take the 1st exit, pass ny the tech Ladakh on the left side.
  • 3) At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto NH 3 Pass by Thashak Restaurant (on the left) It is distance about 47.1 Kilometers.
  • 4) Then Continue straight through Upshi Junction Onto Pangong Lake road. Distance is about 111 KIlometers.
  • 5) Then take turn right Restaurant Mahe. Distance is about 11.6 kilometers drive.
  • 6) Then take turn left. Distance is about 43.3 Kilometers.
  • Destination will be on the right side

How to Reach Tsomoriri Inn from Nubra Valley

How To Reach Tsomoriri Inn From Nubra Valley

Nubra to Tsomoriri Inn Cottage driving distance is somewhat 345 kilometers. It takes about 8 hours and 20 minutes to reach via Pangong Lake Road.

  • Follow Charasa Road. It is approximately 34 Minute. Distance 16.7 Kilometers.
  • 1) Head north on Charasa Rd Pass by Murgi (on the left in 8.7 km) 15.0 k
  • 2) Turn right at Waterfall to stay on Charasa Rd Pass by the bridge (on the left) 1.6 km
  • 3) Drive along Pangong Lake Rd 5 hr 58 min (274 km)
  • 4) Then Continue to Diskit. 3 hours 5 min. It is on 113 Kilometers. Slight right at NOMADIC CUP "2nd Highest Coffee Shop In The World" (Pass by Summer days guest house on the right in 4.3 kilomters. It is on 63.2 Kilometers.
  • 5) Then turn right. (Pass by Agyam Farm Stay on the right in 750 meters). It is roughly 24.4 Kilometers.
  • 6) Then Turn right at Khardung La Road. It is 2.3 Kilometers.
  • 7) Then Turn right. It is roughly 6.2 Kilometers.
  • 8) Then slight left. It is 16.5 Kilometers.
  • Continue on Diskit - Turtok Highway. Drive to Kayok Road in Hunder. It is take 15 minute
  • 9) Continue onto Diskit Turtok Highway. It is on 6.6 Kilometers.
  • 10) Turn right onto Hunder Road. It is on 400 meters.
  • 11) Turn left at Hotel Snow Leopard to stay on Hunder Road. It is roughly 400 meters.
  • 12) Then turn right. On 450 meters.
  • 13) Then Continue onto Kayok Road.
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